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Meeting Number: AL.SU/CC.0109/1


How can I participate in this meeting?

¿Cómo se puede participar en la teleconferencia?

Dial-outs: There are currently no dial-outs requested



Suggested Agenda Items:

1. alacsummitwg:Draft Summit Programme rev2 (prepared by W Ludwig)

2. Interim Results of the 2nd Summit Survey

alacsummitwg:Interim Results of the 2nd Summit Survey (07 Jan 2008) (PDF) (please note that the lower the number of total votes, the higher the issue is ranked)

alacsummitwg:List of the ALS representatives who have not responded to the 2nd Summit Survey so far (PDF)


A list with the individual preferences of the ALS representatives having voted so far will be published shortly.

3. Summit Schedule (RELEVANT Document: alacsummitwg:ATLAS Room Requirements v5)

A) Dates/duration of Working Groups – Sessions 1 and 2. Are both sessions on Sunday or will the Session 2 meetings be on Tuesday? Is the duration of each WG 3 hours?
