1) What would you, ALAC, regard as a success with respect to contention resolution? (AT-LARGE SHEPHERD: Jonathan Zuck)
2) What are the top three topics the ALAC sees as essential to be addressed before going to the next round of gTLDs? (AT-LARGE SHEPHERD: Justine Chew)
3) Time-permitting : what would you like to know on the Ombudsperson selection process? (AT-LARGE SHEPHERD: Sebastien Bachollet)
1) The ALAC seeks clarification on the prohibition of CCWG-Auction Proceeds members from applying to the first call for applications of the ICANN Grant Program. (AT-LARGE SHEPHERD: TBDAlan Greenberg)
2) This year there are a lot of key activities happening around Internet Governance such as deliberations around NETmundial+10, Global Digital Compact, Summit of the Future (SOF) etc. How can ICANN support a real multistakeholder participation (particularly the end-user voice) in some of those fora including Net Mundial +10, SOF and IGF? (AT-LARGE SHEPHERD: Amrita Choudhury)