- At-Large North American Graduate Students (NAGS) (NARALO) Decertification for this ALS has been stopped, new primary rep is active
(updated on 14 June 2023)
Resignations received:
To be decertify (to send to ALAC for final decision)
- Wikimedia Osterreich -
- Communica -ch- the Swiss Platform for the Information Society (EURALO)
- Internet Support Foundation (EURALO)
- Internet Society Russia
- A4IP PlugIn
Under review with the support of Wolfgang
- NetwerkeMedienHumanistische Union e.V
- Forum InformatikerInnen für Frieden und gesellschaftlicheVerantwortunge.V
To follow upBack to the Group:
- Digitalcouragee.V (confirming with co-founder as ALS Rep, Oliver Passek passed away) -
- Rena Tangens now primary contact
- Datenschutzverein:
- Werner Hülsmann has handed over to Achim Klabunde (klabunde@datenschutzverein.de).
- Confirming with Sébastien whether any contact has been made
- NetwerkeMedien
- Netzpolitik.org: Markus Beckedahl will continue
- ver.di: Anette is in a phase of recovery. Hopefully she is back in Fall.
To follow up:
- /wiki/spaces/atlarge/pages/99714646 - TBCWikimedia Osterreich -
- ISOC Wallonia become Chapitre Internet Wallonie Bruxelles (CIWB)