00:42:40 Lizania - Secretaria Ejecutiva - COMTELCA: Hello
00:43:08 Lilian Ivette Deluque: Replying to "Hello Beatriz, welco..."
Hello Nicolas!
00:43:16 Heidi Ullrich - ICANN Org: Greetings to all.
00:43:56 Marita Moll: JZ has the voice. Nobody's voice can compete.
00:44:21 Joanna Kulesza: Reacted to "JZ has the voice. No..." with
00:45:19 Hadia Elminiawi: you pronounced it well indeed - thanks
00:48:14 Jonathan Zuck: NextRo?
00:48:23 Jonathan Zuck: Need a quick way to refer to it!
00:51:30 Justine Chew: It is pronounced as Spirit
00:51:52 iPhone Vanda Abes: NextRo looks easy
00:53:10 Jonathan Zuck: The next CCTRT thanks you
00:53:58 Marita Moll: I think we are on the same page re: enforceability of PICS
00:56:06 Bill Jouris: Replying to "I think we are on th..."
First we get agreement on the principle that they should be enforced. Then we can sort out how to enforce them.
01:05:02 Nigel Hickson UK GAC : Thanks Justine - good to know re GNSO / Board interaction
01:08:14 Marita Moll: Great explanation of what needs to happen with PICS/RVCs @Justine.
01:08:45 Nigel Hickson UK GAC : £2m will indeed be inadequate. This is a real key issue
01:08:46 Jonathan Zuck: And hoping for “deeper” support
01:15:01 Nigel Hickson UK GAC : We will no doubt consider this further in GAC
01:16:13 Nigel Hickson UK GAC : The "facilitated group" is still working on Framework
01:16:45 Greg Shatan (NARALO): Reacted to "The "facilitated gro..." with
01:18:22 Greg Shatan (NARALO): The EPDP could render the results of the Facilitated Dialogue irrelevant, depending on how GNSO manages it.
01:19:20 Greg Shatan (NARALO): We have a meeting of the Facilitated Dialogue at 20.00 UTC today.
01:19:50 sivasubramanian Muthusamy: <q> Please explain why it is seen as a challenge to oversee PIC implmentation.
01:21:46 Arasteh: My experience attending in any EPDP is that GAC and perhaps ALAC were Always as minority
01:22:11 Joanna Kulesza: Confirming on behalf of the liaisons to keep the discussion results-focused.
01:24:26 Justine Chew: Thank you for the conversation. I have to leave the call now as I have a hearing early tomorrow. But I'm happy to continue conversing with you, Nigel, and your colleagues.
01:25:26 Nico Caballero: Thank you, Justine!
01:27:28 Joanna Kulesza: Thank you Justine!
01:30:15 Jonathan Zuck: Primers are for issues, rather than documents
01:31:20 Greg Shatan (NARALO): Primers are for walls. Primers (pronounced "primmers") are an introductory text for the uninitiated.
01:33:18 Jonathan Zuck: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/primer
01:34:24 Alan Greenberg (ALAC): @Greg, Primer with a long I is now an accepted way to pronounce such a document.
01:34:25 KAREL DOUGLAS (GAC - Trinidad and Tobago): Agreed! thanks Nigel
01:34:50 Greg Shatan (NARALO): Reacted to "@Greg, Primer with a..." with
01:34:57 Greg Shatan (NARALO): Reacted to "https://www.merriam-..." with
01:35:52 Jonathan Zuck: Reacted to "https://www.merriam-..." with
01:39:45 Tracy F. Hackshaw (UPU | .POST): Replying to "https://www.merriam-..."
01:42:10 Olivier KOUAMI: Thank you Hadia
01:45:26 Hadia Elminiawi: As Jonathan mentioned we are in the process of identifying items that should take priority with regard to implementation prior to the next round in relation to DNS abuse
01:46:17 Hadia Elminiawi: and we are talking here about community and board already approved recomendations
01:47:34 Tracy F. Hackshaw (UPU | .POST): There will be a hybrid Day 0 GAC Capacity Building DNS Abuse Workshop focused on the upcoming Public Comment process at ICANN 77 on June 11 2023
01:49:39 Joanna Kulesza: +1 Marita!
01:51:17 Jonathan Zuck: Plenary
01:51:57 Marita Moll: Oh good. Thanks. Just wanted to know where we were going with that
01:52:12 Joanna Kulesza: Thanks Nico for running the meeting so smoothly!
01:52:15 Ana Maldonado Cid (GAC-ES): Thank you for the meeting!
01:52:37 Joanna Kulesza: Looking forward to staying in touch with Nigel on how to best facilitate this efficient bilateral exchange.
01:52:40 Hadia Elminiawi: +1 Sub call to determine a common threshold
01:52:58 Nigel Hickson UK GAC : @Mata - lots going on globally on WSIS+20 review; looking still important to ICANN
01:53:07 Greg Shatan (NARALO): The INTA DNS Abuse definition is considerably broader than that of the Contracted Parties. It may help support our efforts in that regard.
01:53:24 Jonathan Zuck: Joanna, did you want to say anything?
01:53:25 Joanna Kulesza: @Greg - link?
01:53:38 Joanna Kulesza: No, thank you @Jonathan, you guys covered everything.
01:53:46 Joanna Kulesza: It was a pleasure to have been able to assist.
01:54:37 Hadia Elminiawi: Thank you all - bye for now
01:54:37 Martina Barbero - European Commission: Thanks a lot and have a nice rest of your day
01:54:39 Dave Kissoondoyal - ICANN ALAC: Thanks and bye to all
01:54:41 Betty Fausta: good job Nico
01:54:44 Loris Taylor: Thank you
01:54:47 Betty Fausta: bye all
01:54:49 Aïcha Abbad: merciiii
01:54:53 Beatriz Rodriguez- Uy: thank and bye