Date: Thursday, 11 May 2023
Zoom Link: / Password: SMWG-11May
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Transcript: EN, ES
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Welcome and Roll Call - Staff (2 mins)
Introduction - Denise (5 minutes)
Last meeting re-cap
Working Together (see image)
About today's agenda
Working Together Reports (70 min)
How & Where: Tools and Social Platforms - Shreedeep Rayamajhi (5 min)
- Suggested Tools:
- Hootsuite (30 days free trial) - for posting, post scheduling, and many more
- Need one for metrics!
- Suggested Hashtags (need to reach a final consensus on these)
- #icannatlarge, #icann77, @icann
- other options: #icann77atlarge, #icannatlarge77
- Suggested Tools:
What: Messaging - Annette Bounce (20 min)
- Use chatGPT or other similar tools for message generation
Outreach & Competition (30 min)
Booth: Bukola Oronti (5 min) & CompetitonCompetition: Lilian Ivette de Luque (5min)
Video: Denise Hochbaum ( 5 min)
Webinar: Hadia Elminiawi (5 min)
Next Steps (12min)
We need all the messages ready and categorized
Propose start implementation date: Friday, 12 May 2023;
scheduled messages to start Monday, 15 May 2023. Need volunteers for this!
Webinar to be ready to show by 22 May 2023.
Next Call - 18 May 2023 (1 min)
- For 60 minutes