Call Management: Michelle DeSmyter
Welcome and Roll Call - Staff (2 mins)
Adoption of the Agenda - Hadia El Miniawi (3 mins)
Review of Action Items - Hadia El Miniawi (5 mins)
At-Large Social Media Webinars Campaign - Hadia and SMWG Members - (10 mins)
- Webinar dates: 2 February and 23 February ?
Continuation of Discussion on the At-Large Capacity Building WG Review of ICANN Learn and At-Large Capacity Building Webinars - All (10 mins)
See: Review document
- Discussion of the next steps, including any new info, how to distribute, where to post, etc.
- Next Steps
Update on Discussion of UA Day Campaign and Next Steps -
Jonathan Zuck (15 mins) - Brainstorming on ideas Work with UASG
Planning the Next Two "The Art of..." Next Workshops - Hadia El Miniawi (10 mins)
- The Art of the Gathering (week of 20 February?)
- The Art of Decision-making possibly at ICANN76
AOB - Hadia (3 min)
New ICANN for Beginner's program - Heidi UllrichNext Call - Hadia El Miniawi (2 min)
Heidi, All (10min)