Date: Thursday, 25 August 2022
Zoom Link: / Password: SMWG-25Aug
EN:Shah Rahman, Bukola Oronti, Daniel Nanghaka, Denise Hochbaum, Greg Shatan, Hadia Elminiawi, Jonathan Zuck, Priyatosh Jana, Samik Kharel, Jesse, Lavish Mawuena Mensah, Rebecca Kwofie, Bright Kportikla
Welcome and Roll Call - Staff (2 mins)
Introduction, Review of Action Items and Aim of Call - Shah Rahman - ICANN75 Social Media Lead (3 mins)
At-Large ICANN75 Social Media Strategy - Shah and All (5 mins)
- See: Social Media Strategy document
- The SM strategy should build awareness, encourage action and engage the community in At-Large
- At-Large ICANN75 Social Media Engagement Toolkit
Finalize SMWG Plan - Shah and All (15 mins)
See: SMWG Plan
Development of Initial Messages - All (20 mins)
- Contest Announcement -
- Date to be sent: Monday, 29 August;
- Message: TBD
- Register for ICANN75 geared toward At-Large Members and Newcomers
- Dates to be sent: 5 and 6 September
- Message: TBD
- Build awareness and excitement among the RALO ALSes - especially in APRALO
- Dates to be sent: 12 September
- Message: TBD
- Welcome video? APRALO Leadership and/or RALO Chairs?
- Contest Announcement -
Posting Strategy - Shah (5 mins)
- Schedule 2 posts per day
- SMWG members should schedule postings throughout the day in order to connect with our global community
- Post Visuals/Text (in your local language)
- The majority of updates we share should come from content should be based on the At-Large ICANN75 Schedule and At-Large Talking Points
Social Media Contest Committee Update- Alfredo, Bukola, Laura, and Lilian (5 mins)
- Announcement of winner during At-Large Wrap Up
Next Steps - Shah (5 mins)
- Next Meeting
- Actions by SMWG Members
AOB - Shah (3 mins)