RALO Coordination Meeting Part 2
- No Action items action items recorded
Joint Session: ALAC and GAC
ALAC and GAC continue to share perspectives leading into the ITU meeting in Bucharest.
Request for ICANN staff to consider conducting a community call at key checkpoints throughout the year between SOAC leadership and the whole ICANN Board and senior ICANN Org leadership to reflect and whether recent public meetings discussions had influenced thinking on any of the communities strategic priorities.
- joanna.kulesza and jonathan.zuck to consider adding the topic of UA to the next Joint ALAC/GAC meeting at ICANN76.
Joint AFRALO-AfrICANN Meeting
- seun.ojedeji to ask ICANN org leadership on rotation of ICANN public meetings in Africa.
At-Large Capacity Building Workshop: The Art of Leadership
- The At-Large Capacity Building WG to review outcomes of Jamboard
Joint ALAC and GNSO Meeting
- A single issue call to be scheduled on x
At-Large Leadership Wrap Up - Part 1
At-Large Leadership Wrap Up - Part 2