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09:00-10:00 AST 13:00-14:00 UTC | At-Large Leadership Welcome to ICANN73 Agenda: - Welcome by Maureen Hilyard, ALAC Chair - Opening Comments (8 mins/13:00-13:08 UTC)
- Aims and Overview of At-Large at ICANN73 - Maureen Hilyard (30 mins/13:08-13:38 UTC)
- At-Large Policy Session 1: CCT Review Revisited (Jonathan Zuck)
- At-Large Policy Session 2: Prioritisation Framework : ALAC Prioritisation Assessment Tool Review (Cheryl Langdon-Orr)
- At-Large Policy Session 3: Protecting the Rights of Registrants and End Users for a Secure and Stable DNS (Hadia Elminiawi)
- Joint Session: ICANN Board and ALAC (Maureen Hilyard)
- Joint Session: ALAC & GNSO Council (Justine Chew)
- NARALO Monthly Meeting (Eduardo Diaz)
- NARALO Karaoke Event (Glenn McKnight)
- Joint Session: AFRALO-AfrICANN (Seun Ojedeji)
- ALAC-GAC session (Joanna Kulesza)
- Wrap Up Session (Maureen Hilyard)
- ICANN73 At-Large Talking Points - Jonathan Zuck, ALAC Vice Chair, Policy (20 mins/13:38-13:58 UTC)
- Closure - Maureen Hilyard (2 mins/13:58-14:00 UTC)
| Moderator: Maureen Hilyard Lead/Notes: HU RPM: YS & GG |
| 10:30-12:00 AST 16:30-18:00 UTC | Q&A with ICANN org - Executive Team |
| 12:30-14:00 AST 16:30-18:00 UTC | At-Large Policy Session 1: CCT Review Revisited Zoom: Description: The bylaws mandated review of the impact of the 2012 new gTLD round on Competition, Consumer Choice and Trust produced the first set of recommendations for the post-transition ICANN. 10 years later, the CCTRT is still being discussed with several recommendations still being implemented, several more being repeated by the SSRT2 recommendations and several more still floating in the ether. This session will explore the CCT recommendations and their value and urgency in the current environment as we move to a new round of applications for new gTLDs Agenda: (TBC) - Introduction and housekeeping - Staff (2min)
- Welcome and presentation of the topic - Jonathan Zuck (5min)
- Presentation
- Discussion with Q&A
- Closing remarks - Jonathan Zuck
| Moderator: Jonathan Zuck Guest Speakers: Laureen Kapin and Drew Bagley. Lead/Notes: EE RPM: MDS & YS |
| 14:30-16:00 AST 18:30-20:00 UTC | Plenary Session: Moving forward with the Global Public Interest Framework Zoom: |
| 16:30 - 17:30 AST 20:30 - 21:30 UTC | DNS Women in Support of Local Initiatives Zoom: | Moderator: Vanda Scartezini RPM: CR & GG |
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09:00-10:00 AST 13:00-14:00 UTC Para otros horarios:
| Bienvenida de los líderes de At-Large Leadership Welcome to a la reunión ICANN73 Agenda: - Welcome by Bienvenida a cargo de Maureen Hilyard, ALAC Chair - Opening Comments Presidenta del ALAC, y comentarios de apertura (8 minsmin/13:00-13:08 UTC)
- Aims and Overview of Objetivos y descripción general de At-Large at en la reunión ICANN73 - Maureen Hilyard (30 minsmin/13:08-13:38 UTC)
- Sesión 1 sobre políticas de At-Large
Policy Session 1: CCT Review Revisited - : Reconsideración de la Revisión de CCT (Jonathan Zuck)
- Sesión 2 sobre políticas de At-Large
Policy Session 2: Prioritisation Framework : ALAC Prioritisation Assessment Tool Review - : Marco de priorización: Revisión de la herramienta de evaluación de priorización del ALAC (Cheryl Langdon-Orr)
- Sesión 3 sobre políticas de At-Large
Policy Session 3: Protecting the Rights of Registrants and End Users for a Secure and Stable DNS - : Protección de los derechos de los registratarios y usuarios finales para un DNS seguro y estable (Hadia Elminiawi)
Joint Session: ICANN Board and - Sesión conjunta: Junta Directiva de la ICANN y ALAC (Maureen Hilyard)
Joint Session- Sesión conjunta: ALAC
& - y Consejo de la GNSO
Council - (Justine Chew)
- Reunión mensual de NARALO
Monthly Meeting - (Eduardo Diaz)
- Evento de Karaoke NARALO
Karaoke Event - (Glenn McKnight)
Joint Session- Sesión conjunta: AFRALO-AfrICANN (Seun Ojedeji)
- Sesión ALAC-GAC
session - (Joanna Kulesza)
Wrap Up Session - Sesión de cierre (Maureen Hilyard)
- ICANN73 Temas de conversación de At-Large Talking Points para la reunión ICANN73 - Jonathan Zuck, Vicepresidente del ALAC Vice Chair, Policy Política (20 minsmin/13:38-13:58 UTC)
- Closure Cierre - Maureen Hilyard (2 minsmin/13:58-14:00 UTC)
| ModeratorModeradora: Maureen Hilyard LeadLidera/NotesNotas: HU RPM: YS & GG |
| 10:30-12:00 AST 16:30-18:00 UTC | Q&A with ICANN org - Executive TeamPreguntas y respuestas con la organización de la ICANN - Equipo Ejecutivo |
| 12:30-14:00 AST 16:30-18:00 UTC Para otros horarios:
| Sesión 1 sobre políticas de At-Large Policy Session 1: CCT Review Revisited: Reconsideración de la Revisión de CCT Zoom: DescriptionDescripción: The bylaws mandated review of the impact of the 2012 new gTLD round on Competition, Consumer Choice and Trust produced the first set of recommendations for the post-transition ICANN. 10 years later, the CCTRT is still being discussed with several recommendations still being implemented, several more being repeated by the SSRT2 recommendations and several more still floating in the ether. This session will explore the CCT recommendations and their value and urgency in the current environment as we move to a new round of applications for new gTLDs Agenda: (TBC) - Introduction and housekeeping - Staff (2min)
- Welcome and presentation of the topic - Jonathan Zuck (5min)
- Presentation
- Discussion with Q&A
- Closing remarks - Jonathan Zuck
Moderator: Jonathan Zuck Guest Speakers: La revisión que se exige en los Estatutos del impacto de la ronda de nuevos gTLD de 2012 sobre la competencia, la confianza y la elección de los consumidores produjo el primer conjunto de recomendaciones para la ICANN posterior a la transición. 10 años después, el CCT-RT sigue siendo objeto de debate, con varias recomendaciones que aún se están implementando, otras que se repiten en las recomendaciones del SSRT2 y otras que aún flotan en el éter. En esta sesión, se analizarán las recomendaciones de CCT y su valor y urgencia en el entorno actual, a medida que avanzamos hacia una nueva ronda de solicitudes de nuevos gTLD. Agenda: (A confirmar) - Introducción y cuestiones internas - Personal (2 min)
- Bienvenida y presentación del tema - Jonathan Zuck (5 min)
- Presentación
- Debate con preguntas y respuestas
- Comentarios finales - Jonathan Zuck
Otros temas a tratar | Moderador: Jonathan Zuck Oradora Invitado: Laureen Kapin and Drew Bagley. LeadLidera/NotesNotas: EE RPM: MDS & YS |
| 14:30-16:00 AST 18:30-20:00 UTCPlenary Session: Moving forward with the Global Public Interest Framework | Sesión plenaria: Avances con el marco de interés público global Zoom: |
| 16:30 - 17:30 AST 20:30 - 21:30 UTC | DNS Women in Support of Local Initiatives Zoom: | ModeratorModeradora: Vanda Scartezini RPM: CR & GG |
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09:00-10:00 AST 13:00-14:00 UTC At-Large Leadership Welcome to ICANN73 Agenda: Welcome by Maureen Hilyard, ALAC Chair - Opening Comments (8 mins/13:00-13:08 UTC) Aims and Overview of At-Large at ICANN73 - Maureen Hilyard (30 mins/13:08-13:38 Pour d’autres fuseaux horaires, voir : | Bienvenue à l’ICANN73 pour l’équipe dirigeante d’At-Large Ordre du jour : - Paroles de bienvenue de Maureen Hilyard, présidente de l’ALAC, et observations liminaires (8 min/13 h à 13 h 08 UTC)
- Objectifs et aperçu de l’At-Large lors de l’ICANN73 – Maureen Hilyard (30 min/13 h 08 à 13 h 38 UTC)
- At-Large
Policy Session 1: CCT Review Revisited - , séance 1 sur les politiques : Réexamen de la révision de la CCT (Jonathan Zuck)
- At-Large
Policy Session 2: Prioritisation Framework : ALAC Prioritisation Assessment Tool Review - , séance 2 sur les politiques : Cadre de définition des priorités : examen de l’outil d’évaluation des priorités de l’ALAC (Cheryl Langdon-Orr)
- At-Large
Policy Session 3: Protecting the Rights of Registrants and End Users for a Secure and Stable DNS - , séance 3 sur les politiques : Protéger les droits des titulaires de noms de domaine et des utilisateurs finaux en vue d’un DNS sûr et stable (Hadia Elminiawi)
Joint Session: ICANN Board and - Séance conjointe : Conseil d’administration de l’ICANN et ALAC (Maureen Hilyard)
Joint Session- Séance conjointe : ALAC
& - et conseil de la GNSO
Council - (Justine Chew)
- Réunion mensuelle de NARALO
Monthly Meeting - (Eduardo Diaz)
- Évènement karaoké de NARALO
Karaoke Event - (Glenn McKnight)
Joint Session- Séance conjointe : AFRALO-
AfrICANN - AfrICANN (Seun Ojedeji)
- Séance ALAC-GAC
session - (Joanna Kulesza)
Wrap Up Session - Séance de synthèse (Maureen Hilyard)
- ICANN73 At-Large Talking Points - Jonathan Zuck, ALAC Vice Chair, Policy (20 mins/13:38-13:58 UTC)
- Closure - Maureen Hilyard (2 mins/13:58-14:00 UTC)
Moderator: Maureen Hilyard Lead/Notes- Sujets de discussion de l’At-Large lors de l’ICANN73 – Jonathan Zuck, vice-président de l’ALAC en charge des politiques (20 min/13 h 38 à 14 h UTC)
- Clôture – Maureen Hilyard (2 min/13 h 58 à 14 h UTC)
| Modératrice: Maureen Hilyard Mener/Remarques: HU RPM: YS & GG |
| 10:30-12:00 AST 16:30-18:00 UTC | Q&A with ICANN org - Executive TeamSéance de questions/réponses avec l’équipe de direction de l’organisation ICANN |
| 12:30-14:00 AST 16:30-18:00 UTC Pour d’autres fuseaux horaires, voir : | At-Large Policy Session 1: CCT Review Revisited Zoom: Description: The bylaws mandated review of the impact of the 2012 new gTLD round on Competition, Consumer Choice and Trust produced the first set of recommendations for the post-transition ICANN. 10 years later, the CCTRT is still being discussed with several recommendations still being implemented, several more being repeated by the SSRT2 recommendations and several more still floating in the ether. This session will explore the CCT recommendations and their value and urgency in the current environment as we move to a new round of applications for new gTLDs Agenda: (TBC) - Introduction and housekeeping - Staff (2min)
- Welcome and presentation of the topic - Jonathan Zuck (5min)
- Presentation
- Discussion with Q&A
- Closing remarks - Jonathan Zuck
Moderator: Jonathan Zuck Guest Speakers: , séance 1 sur les politiques : Réexamen de la révision de la CCT Zoom : Description : La révision de l’impact qu’a eu le cycle de 2012 de nouveaux gTLD sur la concurrence, le choix des consommateurs et la confiance, mandatée par les statuts, avait produit la première série de recommandations pour l’ICANN après la transition. Dix ans plus tard, la CCT-RT fait toujours l’objet de discussions et plusieurs recommandations sont toujours en cours de mise en œuvre. D’autres sont reprises dans les recommandations de la SSRT2 et d’autres encore flottent dans l’éther. Cette séance portera sur les recommandations de la CCT, leur valeur et la nécessité impérieuse de les mettre en œuvre dans l’environnement actuel, alors que nous nous dirigeons vers la prochaine série de candidatures aux nouveaux gTLD. Ordre du jour : (à confirmer) - Introduction et questions administratives – Personnel (2 min)
- Bienvenue et présentation du sujet – Jonathan Zuck (5 min)
- Présentation
- Discussion avec questions/réponses
- Remarques finales – Jonathan Zuck
- Divers
| Modérateur: Jonathan Zuck Conférencier Invité: Laureen Kapin and Drew Bagley. LeadMener/NotesRemarques: EE RPM: MDS & YS |
| 14:30-16:00 AST 18:30-20:00 UTCPlenary Session: Moving forward with the Global Public Interest Framework | Séance plénière : Aller de l’avant avec le cadre sur l’intérêt public mondial Zoom: |
| 16:30 - 17:30 AST 20:30 - 21:30 UTC | DNS Women in Support of Local Initiatives Zoom: | ModeratorModératrice: Vanda Scartezini RPM: CR & GG |