- Laureen Kapin noted that the PSWG has agreed that it needs more time to discuss. Regarding the White Paper on DNS Abuse, suggested perhaps a presentation or a set of recommendations rather than a formal White Paper.
- JZ agreed that an output other than a White Paper should be suggested.
- DNS Abuse should be placed on the list of priorities and a single issue ALAC/GAC bilateral to be scheduled in the future.
- DNS abuse topic to not be on the agenda of the ALAC/GAC meeting during ICANN73.
- Keep SubPro on the agenda for the ALAC/GAC meeting during ICANN73GAC preferred to keep topic for intersessional discussions.
Public Interest Processes
- Keep Public Interest Processes on the agenda for the ALAC/GAC meeting during ICANN73.
- GAC to check with their expert on IDNs to confirm should be on agenda for ICANN73.
- UA/IDNs will be TBC re be placed on the agenda for the ALAC/GAC meeting during ICANN73.
ALS/Individual collaboration with GAC representatives
- Exchange of good practice.