Board Topics
Sent on behalf of Maarten Botterman, Chair, ICANN Board of Directors
Maarten Botterman
Chair, ICANN Board of Directors
ALAC Questions/Topics:
1) Volunteer Retention to Strengthen the MSM, diversity and inclusiveness to support the development of quality At-Large advice and public comment- At-Large Lead: Marita Moll (10 mins + discussion)
2) Improving Policy Development Processes - the need of an holistic review - volunteers under pressure with the workload - At-Large Lead: Joanna Kulesza (Back up: Sebastien) (10 mins + discussion)
3) Importance to At-Large of the Prioritisation Activity - At-Large Lead: Cheryl Langdon-Orr (Back up: Jonathan Zuck) (10 mins + discussion)
Topic: Emerging technologies and their impact on ICANN
Question: How do you view current developments in relation to new technologies such as the decentralized domain name system protocol that is the gateway to web 3.0 and its impact on ICANN domain name system? (Hadia)
ALAC/GAC Meeting (opens in sub-page)
ALAC/GNSO Council Meeting (opens in sub-page)
At-Large Wrap Up Meeting