Monday, 14 June 2021
- It was noted by the ICANN Board Vice Chair, Leon Sanchez, that ALAC advice is at the heart of the ICANN Board operations, that "everyone is an end user" at some point. Hadia Elminiawi, moderator of the session, summarized ICANN President and CEO Göran Marby's comments: At-Large needs to leverage the structure more. ICANN Board Member, Avri Doria noted the important role ALAC has in the Public Interest, that "there is a balancing in determining the public interest, as defined in the Articles, Mission, Commitment and Values. The better the various Advice and comments explain their view of that Public Interest in those terms, the easier it is to take it into account and balance."
- No action items recorded.
- Hadia Elminiawi provided an overview of EPDP Phase 2 Report, and the policy implications while answering questions.
Jan Janssen (European IP law) presented on the VeriSign patent and how it can implement GDPR. When Verisign’s parent is used, it could create additional burdens in an international environment as a national patent perhaps being enforced locally/internationally. Jan asked, what will enforcement look like? In implementation of SSAD, will groups look through the lense of patents? He commented that he wished Verisign "were in the room for answers".
Joanna Kulesza summarized, noting that Verisign can raise their patent in ICANN policy debates and PDPs.
Holly Raiche presented on IP law and trademarks with regards to domain names.
A discussion ensued regarding enforceability in post-GDPR world: Hadia Elminiawi noted that she does not see necessity of patent beyond thick registry use; not necessarily needed for SSAD and other aspects of GDPR. Jan noted it has taken so long for EPDP to evolve, and ICANN has not looked at GDPR until it was “doomsday”, then took "drastic decision" of temp-spec. In his perspective, since it was "so friendly towards registrants who want to remain hidden, that really changed the ball game", and he noted it was difficult to reverse or water down the "rushed decisions" (that were made to avoid liability risks).
Christopher Wilkinson concluded the session, noting that the At-Large community and other stakeholders will want to follow up on these issues. - No AIs recorded.
Wednesday, 16 June 2021
Joint AFRALO-AfrICANN Meeting (SV)
- AFRALO leaders to incorporate last edits to the statement to be sent to the Board.
At-Large EURALO Policy Session: New gTLDs: Protection of Geographical Names in Europe (EE)