Note from Maarten Botterman, ICANN Board Chair:
Your suggested questions or topic for discussion will be published and circulated in this digest, which will facilitate transparency and allow all communities to deepen their understanding of community issues and different points of view. We look forward to hearing your thoughts, questions, or topics of interest and to exchange with you constructively.
ALAC Questions and/or Topics
From Marita Moll:
About Board Operational Priority 1.1 - Understanding the global public interest, we note. that there was some pilot testing and we were asked for input on the idea. We are seeking some information about the current status of this. How would it be used in decision-making? How can the community can assist further? There is no information on these points currently posted.
From Olivier Crepin-Leblond:
With two Policy Development Processes currently reaching milestones that require Board action, namely the EPDP and the Subsequent Procedures PDP, there still appears to be divergence amongst the ICANN community on many sticky points.
The ALAC has the ability to comment and provide Advice directly to the Board on both of these issues, and indeed, it has used this ability. Other advisory Committees also have the opportunity to provide Advice. However, when asked, the ICANN CEO has mentioned that according to the Bylaws, the only body that makes policy for Generic Top Level Domains is the GNSO. Yet, some matters clearly appear to be going around in circles. Forever!
- Is the Board willing to take into account the balance of all stakeholders in ICANN? For example, prior to the last round of new gTLDs, the Board took steps to organise an ICANN key stakeholder meeting specifically to address new gTLDs with the GAC and other parties.
- On the contrary, is the ICANN Board now a rubber-stamping body?
- How does the Board plan to find a solution to deadlocks that get some topics to go in circles ad-infinitum? Or is it not for the Board to find a solution? After all, Board members have fiduciary duty.
From Jonathan Zuck: