- Organization/applicant was not legitimately incorporated legitimate (either not incorporated organized as stated, or used name/identity of existing organization/ALS).
- Organization structure/mission not compatible with being an ALS (not formed in the interest of end users, i.e. government or corporate entity).
- APRALO recommended applicant withdraw and apply to NPOC.
- Organization/applicant was not legitimately incorporated legitimate (either not incorporated organized as stated, or used name/identity of existing organization/ALS)..
- Organization structure/mission not compatible with being an ALS (not formed in the interest of end users, i.e. government or corporate entity).
- Unknown - likely organization/applicant was not legitimately incorporated legitimate (either not incorporated organized as stated, or used name/identity of existing organization/ALS).
- Spam application/organization/applicant was was not legitimately incorporated legitimate (either not incorporated organized as stated, or used name/identity of existing organization/ALS).